Sunday, February 1, 2015

Super Bowl Dippings

Adamantly I'm not a fan of football. But that's something guys like to watch so I've come to the conclusion that food is pretty much imperative when it comes to football and guys in the same room. Ok, it's not really a conclusion, but more an observation.

So this week will be simple and easy so you can be prepared for the game. I love artichokes and spinach dip, but the store bought kind doesn't always hold up for me. I have truly only once found a store bought kind I like and have spent my summers eating it by the bucketful.


Prep-time: 30 mins
Servings: 5-7


1 cup of cream cheese
1 cup of sour cream
1 cup of thawed spinach
1 can of artichoke hearts
2 cups of parmesan cheese
1 TBSP of lemon juice
1 TBSP of salt


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.

Mix all of the ingredients together and place in greased casserole dish. Set in oven for 30mins or until a slightly brown crust forms. Let cool and serve.

Simple and easy for game day prep.

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